The best plants for a strawberry pot require the same light conditions and moisture needs. to make the most of a strawberry pot's shape, choose plants that trail for the sides and upright ones for the top. herbs, succulents and flowering annuals make plant shopping easier. thyme, creeping rosemary. The silvery-gray foliage of the dusty miller plant, otherwise known as senecio cineraria, would be a stunning addition to any strawberry planter arrangement. these plants bloom in midsummer, producing small, delicate yellow flowers, but the silver foliage lasts most of the year and is drought resistant.. Hanging baskets and containers for shade. the biggest question i would get asked by people who visited the garden center i worked at is what plants are good for shade..
Fuchsias are positively awesome shade plants. the flowers are spectacular and drape beautifully especially great for containers. there are many colors and flower forms.. Plants for strawberry jars. strawberry pots can be a fun way to garden. consider planting themed gardens such as an herb garden, a foliage garden or a succulent garden. there are literally tons of plants that can be used for gardening with strawberry jars � herbs, bulbs, flowers, vegetables, tropical foliage plants, succulents and vines.. "like the idea of different plants in a strawberry pot" see more. "astilbe, light shade plant in a pot. one fantastic plant in a pot makes a�" "astilbe, light shade plant this is simple but stunning" "astilbe arendsii 'granat'," see more..